Transition Town Port Washington members regularly lobby our local and state officials for leadership on climate and environmental issues and legislation.
We form alliances with like-minded environmental and community organizations to support laws and policies that help create sustainable and resilient communities. We join letter writing campaigns and have participated in rallies to defend our environment and fight for a just transition away from fossil fuels.
These efforts, when done by many, make a real difference! For example, in 2020 TTPW joined a statewide coalition, Divest New York, to support the divestiture of all fossil fuels from the New York State Pension Fund. On December 9th, 2020 Comptroller Tom DiNapoli announced that the $226 billion NY state pension fund would divest from fossil fuels. This is the largest pension fund in the world to take this level of comprehensive climate action including divestment ever!
Climate, Jobs, and Justice
What it is:
Transition Town Port Washington is one of over 300 member organizations of New York Renews, the coalition of environmental, labor, faith-based and community groups that spearheaded the passage in 2019 of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) or as its come to be known, the “Climate Act.”
Goals of the Climate Act include:
70% renewable energy by 2030,
100% zero-emission electricity by 2040,
85% of human-caused climate pollution to be eliminated from all sectors by 2050.
equity provisions that prioritizes resource distribution towards historically disadvantaged and front line communities.
In the recent legislative sessions NY Renews and other groups have worked to fund the Climate Act through the passage of one bill, the Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA). Due to the difficulty in getting the CCIA passed, our strategy has changed to working for the passage of multiple bills to fund the Climate Act. This package of bills is called the Climate, Jobs and Justice Package (CJJP).
The CJJP is a comprehensive plan to rapidly decarbonize New York, make our state healthier and more equitable, ensure a just transition for workers, and help create an accessible green economy for all. It is organized around three key demands that individually and collectively advance the goals of the Climate Act:
Fully fund and implement the Climate Act
Build renewable energy for all and create good, green union jobs;
Make polluters and the ultra-rich pay what they owe.
For more information about NY Renews and the CJJP bills, click on
What I can do:
The 2023 NY State Legislative session has begun. The NY Renews Coalition, of which Transition Town Port Washington is one of over 300 member organizations, has begun the campaign for the Climate, Jobs and Justice Package of bills, which will fund the Climate Act.
Beginning January 24th, NY Renews will be hosting weekly coalition-wide calls every Tuesday from 12:00-12:30pm. We’ll discuss key updates and intel, the implications for our campaign, and actions you can take to make a big difference.
If you are interested in getting directly involved, Please register here for our weekly coalition-wide call. We would love to have you join us. And let us know if you register so we can coordinate for Port Washington together.
In addition to weekly calls, NY Renews will also be holding a mass call on 2/2 at 6pm where we will discuss strategy for session.
Renewable Heat Now
What it is:
Transition Town Port Washington supports the Renewable Heat Now (RHN) Coalition which advocates for New York State policies that will enable all New Yorkers to afford to make the switch to renewable-ready heating and cooling technologies. This will include the adoption of ground-source (geothermal) and air-source heat pumps to reduce the amount of fossil fuels used to heat and cool our homes and workplaces.
In addition to converting our own home heating and cooling to renewable sources, we must also advocate for New York State policies that will enable all New Yorkers to afford to make the switch to these renewable-ready heating and cooling technologies including:
Rebates and incentives for households, businesses, and municipalities that install heat pumps based on the efficiency of the technology, with the most efficient receiving the highest incentives.
Additional incentives for low-income households to ensure the transition is equitable and because there are additional social benefits derived from reducing low-income energy burdens and fuel volatility.
Building codes that eliminate fossil-fuel heating in new construction starting in 2024.
Reversal of utility gas expansion and the policies that incentivize utilities and customers to convert households from fuel oil to gas.
Accounting for the full global warming potential of methane in cost-benefit analyses and other metrics.
What I can do:
See for more information.
Let us know if you are interested in joining us for future actions.
Protect Our Trees
What it is:
The Tree Committee of Transition Town Port Washington in collaboration with TreeLove has formed a coalition with other engaged community groups to advocate for the stewardship of our precious tree canopy. Together we hope to ensure protection and increased planting of native trees on public and private properties; proper tree trimming and care; recognition of the essential impact of trees on stormwater runoff and community resilience in extreme weather; and appropriate management of invasive tree species.
In proud partnership with Councilperson Veronica Lurvey, in 2021 we carefully examined the outdated laws governing trees in the Town of North Hempstead and identified aspects of the regulations that required revision. After pressing for these necessary modifications, we rallied support amongst the community that contributed to the successful passage of this vital amendment. We have helped shift the overall approach to the canopy in our town from a tree control model to a stewardship philosophy of conservation and care.
What I can do:
Our tree advocacy work is not complete — there is still a great deal to accomplish. Now that amended laws are in place, we will be working hard to make sure that the new laws are effectively enforced and that portions of the law that require further action are taken including development of essential elements like the Tree Advisory Committee, micro-groves, mapping of the North Hempstead canopy, and the Tree Preservation Fund. TTPW is committed to remain vigilant in advocating for continued support of one of Long Island’s most precious resources, our trees. If you are interested in joining our efforts please contact
What it is:
The SAVE OUR SHORELINE COALITION opposes Southern Land Company’s proposed construction of a 7-story, 176-unit luxury apartment building and motorboat marina on the last remaining green corridor on Hempstead Harbor. This 212,000 sq. foot high-rise on 2 acres violates multiple zoning code protections. With over 350 + residents and their cars, the building will pollute local beaches, trails and parks and over-stress town infrastructure. The West Shore Road location jeopardizes the integrity of the neighboring nature preserve and establishes a dangerous precedent for further development along our shores.
Join the OPPOSITION! Don’t allow Southern Land Company (SLC) to destroy the character of Port Washington! Should this high rise get the green light, it will set a precedent for more large scale construction on the waterfront—bringing with it more traffic, crowding, and pollution and putting our fragile ecosystem on a path to irreversible peril.
Protect our Public Parks, Beaches, Nature Preserves, and Wildlife Habitats! Let’s continue the vital mission of protecting and revitalizing our Hempstead Harbor waters, our fast-disappearing wetlands, and our green spaces. Let’s work together to secure a flourishing and resilient ecosystem on our precious peninsula for all future generations to enjoy.
What I can do:
Your comments are being counted. Write to Supervisor DeSena and the Town Board using the letter writing tool.
Join the over 4,500 people who have signed thus far.
For more information about the Save Our Shoreline Coalition and what you can do please visit our website at
State Ban for Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers
What it is:
Because Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers (GPLB) are a threat to our health and to the environment, we support a state-wide ban of the gas powered leaf blower. GPLBs’ two-stroke engines inefficiently burn only 70% of the gasoline while the remaining 30% are released into the air. This toxic pollution is known to cause different forms of cancer and increase CO2 levels. To make matters worse, GPLB blow dust and debris into the air at speeds of over 200mph. These tiny particles can contain pesticides, heavy metals, mold, and animal feces, and often linger in the air for hours or even days. They enter your home through windows and doors, go deep into lungs, worsen allergies and asthma, and cause other lung diseases. Even brief exposures can be harmful, especially for children.
What I can do:
Great news, gas-powered leaf blowers are banned in the Town of North Hempstead from June 15-September 15! Please remind you friends, neighbors and landscapers.
Now there is a chance to restrict GPLB use statewide—in addition to the already existing summer restrictions for the TONH. Please help limit GPLB use for all of NYS during the summer months by supporting bill S1113 which was recently reintroduced by NY State Senator John Liu. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes—really—unless you would like to add a personal note.
Click this link to the senate bill and vote AYE (top right)
Click here to take action for Huntington CALM, which is an organization instrumental in advocacy for the restriction of GPLB use all over LI, inc.
And lastly, please send a quick note to your NY State Senator. You might have to log into your NY State Senate account first.
Bring Clean Renewable Public Power To Long Island
What it is:
The time to reimagine the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) is long past due. Our utility and the systems of oversight around it have failed Long Island over and over again. We join the Long Island Progressive Coalition (LIPC) in its call for a publicly owned, controlled, and managed power authority on Long Island. Across the country, publicly owned utilities have proven more affordable and reliable for residential customers. They are more responsive to customer needs, yielding better customer satisfaction. Their shorter outage times safeguard households' food and medicine and improve the productivity of small businesses. And they can ensure that Long Island helps fulfill the legal and moral obligation we have to prevent climate catastrophe by moving off fossil fuels and transitioning to 100% clean, renewable energy.
What I can do:
Please use the Public Power Toolkit, created and maintained by the Long Island Progressive Coalition, to take action and help bring public power to Long Island.
Stop Fracked Gas Expansion
What it is:
One of TTPW's earliest actions was to oppose the construction of the Williams Pipeline, a fracked gas pipeline that would have run from Pennsylvania through the New York Harbor. After extensive public outcry and grassroots activism, the New York Department of Environmental Conservation denied a needed water quality permit for the Williams Northeast Supply Enhancement Pipeline ultimately putting an end to the project on May 15, 2020.
Unfortunately instead of moving our economy to renewable energy, National Grid is currently seeking approval to raise our monthly bills in order to invest hundreds of millions of dollars every year into expanding and extending their fracked gas distribution system. Part of their plan is to build new pipelines throughout Long Island and expand Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG Vaporizers), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) facilities, which means more CNG “bomb trucks” going through our communities.
What I can do:
For more information about National Grids plans on Long Island go to:
Click here to file your comment to protect Long Island
Transition Town Port Washington supports investment in renewable energy not fossil fuels. We will continue to advocate for our elected officials to actively oppose the expansion of fracked gas on Long Island.