About Us
“The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road—the one less traveled by—offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth.” —Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, 1962
Who We Are
Transition Town Port Washington is a welcoming group of like-minded people who are committed to building a resilient and sustainable Port Washington community.
Come to us and share your passion, start a campaign or participate in the projects and actions already underway. Click here to Volunteer.
With this website, our projects and events, we reach out, inform and include everyone in the collective work of transitioning to a cleaner, greener and healthier Port Washington.
TTPW Board of Directors
President: Margaret Galbraith
Secretary: Heinz Rudolf Jufer
Treasurer: Paul Merkelson
Heather Clark Melanie D’Arrigo
David Jakim Hildur Palsdottir